Our Appointment System




Our appointment system has changed

We changed our appointment system to make it easier for you to get the right care you need and we need your help to do this successfully.

Did you know you can contact some services direct, saving time waiting for a GP appointment which is likely to result in the same outcome

  • For example:  Anxiety, Depression, Sexual Health, Smoking Cessation

See what services you can book direct


If you need Routine Care

You will be able to get routine GP appointments online by either:

Our routine appointments will all be pre-bookable

  • We will no longer be booking them for the same day either by phone, in person or online.
  • There will be more routine appointments available and they will be released on a daily basis and at different times of the day.
  • The best way to get one of these is to look online as the appointments available there will be exactly the same as those our Receptionists (now called Care Navigators) will be able to offer you if you phone.
  • If you are not able to go online please do phone or come in to the practice, but it would help us if this could be after 10am.

If you need Urgent Care

  • If you do need urgent care that day we will offer you an urgent appointment either face to face or by telephone.
  • We aim to have enough appointments every day for urgent care so you do not need to phone or wait at the practice doors at 8.30am to access these appointments, but it would help us plan if you phone before 10am if you feel you need to be seen that day.

Care Navigation

Our team of Care Navigators (formerly the reception team) have been trained by our doctors and are supported by them to help get you to the right service first time. This may be an appointment with a GP, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist or Paramedic; or it may be advice about self referral. Often you will not need to see a GP as all of these clinicians are able to sort prescriptions, referrals, scans and fit notes if you need them, and it will often result in being seen sooner.


Administrative Enquiries

  • If you have an administrative query, such as requests for a repeat prescription, fit note or results, the easiest way to do this is also online.
    • We will tell you when you submit your request how quickly we will aim to respond to you.
    • Please do not contact us again while waiting unless it has gone beyond the stated time as it duplicates the work for our team.

If you are not able to go online then please do phone or come in, again, it would help us if this was after 10am.

Frequently used links



  • If you are housebound and need a home visit, please call us before 10am if possible.

Just so you are aware we have a service we can refer home visits to if you need to be seen quickly so it will not always be one of the doctors from the practice who visit.


Cancelling your appointment

Please do help us see as many people as possible by ensuring you cancel your appointment if you don’t need it.  You will get a reminder text for all routine appointments with a link which you can use to cancel the appointment.


Where to find more information

Please do use our website, we are regularly updating it and will always use it as a quick way of letting patients know what is happening.

By using our website you will save time waiting on the phone and free up the lines for those who do not have online access.

There are many useful links for self referrals, booking appointments, Information, Health A-Z… why not take a look around whilst you are here!



It may take a little time for us to get used to these changes but we hope it will make it easier for you to get the care you need. If you would like to let us know how the changes are working for you after 26th June you can: